Editorial: What Comics I Read This Week

This is a quick, to the point section on what I picked up in comics in the last couple days and what I think of them.

Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #20

Writer: Brian Bendis
Artist: Sara Pichelli
The story picks up where it left off, with Venom attacking Miles’ dad thinking the dad is the new Spider-Man. This is an action issue and truth be told when I saw the end I had to flip back to figure out where it happened. Ultimate Spidey is a great series, new character and all, but like all of Bendis’ books its hard to read on a weekly basis. With fewer pages per comic and just as many advertisements, comic writers like Bendis who really like the art to play out facial expressions, have issues that really don’t show their worth unless read in a trade. I also want to mention I love Miles is constantly asking himself “what would Peter do?”

Willow #4

Writer: Christos Gage and Jeff Parker
Artist: Brian Ching
This series continues to be quite a bit of fun with a twist I realized was coming about halfway through the issue and kicked myself for not realizing several issues ago (big tv show throw back). Willows quest to restore magic to the world continues as she questions her continuing stay in the magical lesbian paradise. The trouble is you probably should read up as to what’s happened so far before even starting Willow since its entirely related to the conclusion of season 8 and Angel and Faith.

All-New X-Men #7

Writer: Brian Bendis
Artist: David Marquez
Its hard to gauge whether All-New X-Men is any good since so much of it is going to depend on where these characters go. Cyclops visits an old safe deposit box he keeps, causing near by panic among civilians and Mystique, whom young slim has never met, plays with his head quite a bit. The problem is barely anything happens from issue to issue. If the next big event is coming in March and is an X-Men event, I just don’t see how they have enough time to build this story to where it needs to be to. If March hits and this series becomes like New Avengers during Secret Invasion or Civil War, which is basically a short side story for the main event, I can’t see myself continuing to follow it no matter how good the regular series is.

About MusiM
Musician, writer, Gundam model hobbyist, video game lover, host of The Carousel Podcast, and all with a day job.

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